Course code 02 84 4041 00
Number of ECTS points 2
Course title in the language of instruction
Introduction to Medical Sciences
Course title in Polish Introduction to Medical Sciences (Propedeutyka nauk medycznych)
Course title in English
Introduction to Medical Sciences
Language of instruction English
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 10 15 0 25
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.50 0.50 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Elektroniki
Course coordinator dr inż. Aleksandra Królak
Course instructors dr inż. Maria Strąkowska
Anatomy and Physiology
Course learning outcomes
  1. The student is able to explain the causes of selected diseases (BET1A_W2_N)
  2. The student knows the biophysical basis of medical imaging, mechanical and electrographic examinations (BET1A_W2_N)
  3. The student is able to interpret the results of selected medical examinations (BET1A_W2_N)
Programme learning outcomes
  1. The student knows and understands the basic problems and directions of civilization development, including the impact of the development of technology and technology on its progress.
Programme content Provide essential knowledge of pathophysiology the most common diseases, methods of testing of the body system function and normal ranges of basic functional parameters.
Assessment methods
Learning outcomes 1 - 3 will be checked by a written multiple-choice test.
Learning outcome 3 will be verify based on the practical exercises done by students in groups of 2-3, followed by written report.

Grading policies Assessment of practical part is based on reports delivered after the laboratory exercises to the instructor (verification of outcome 3) - 50% Learning outcomes 1 - 3 covering the material of lectures and theory of the practical task will be verified using a multiple-choice test - 50%
Course content Lectures: 1: Respond to stress of human body and cells. 2: Cancerogenesis. 3: Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. 4: Respiratory diseases. 5: Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. 6: Brain aging and neurodegeneration. 7: Application of medical imaging techniques. Laboratory: 1. Blood analysis 2. Spirometry 3. ECG 4. Blood pressure 5. Reaction time examination
Basic reference materials
  1. Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by K. Saladin, McGraw-Hill, 2011, 6th edition
Other reference materials
  1. Aktualne artykuły poglądowe w języku angielskim/Recommended current medical reviews.
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2019-06-11 16:28:55
Archival course yes/no no